Return to normal or embrace the new normal? The War for talent starts today!

  1. Wait for office life to return and re-start hiring from there as the challenge to remote hire/onboard has been significant.
  2. Accept that remote hiring and onboarding are now part of the recruitment landscape and start to make plans now to ensure you are front and centre when securing talent.

The reality is that more than 65% of our customers are on some form of a recruitment freeze at the moment and are talking about hiring for the second half of the year (July – Sep).

If we factor in notice periods and people’s reticence to change roles in this climate, you really need to be pipelining your talent pool now and working out how to attract talent from today.

Those organisations that can show they are still recruiting during a downturn will undoubtedly appear more favourable to job seekers and provide them reassurance with regard to job security.

If you press pause for too long and wait for ‘it all to die down’, you will be in a highly competitive situation and the war for talent will be rife.

So what does this mean for talent acquisition moving forwards?

  • Geography should no longer be a barrier to recruiting. Remote working is here to stay and you now have nationwide/global access to talent than ever before rather than focusing on a specific radius of your office to ensure you don’t encounter commuter blues three months into their tenure
  • Demand for professional contractors will increase while overall headcount in organisations will decrease. Interims have a wealth of knowledge across a broad spectrum of organisations. You should start to think about leveraging this more and can probably achieve more productivity and output over fewer hours per week as a result
  • Remote working has been predominantly geared towards parents and often great talent has been refused an interview in the past because they want to work condensed hours, part-time or from home 2/3 days per week. Organisations have no excuses anymore to not offer this to anyone that wants it and this will be an expectation in the market, NOT a perk of the role. Once again you are broadening your talent pool further than ever before

What will you do to combat the war for talent in the new normal, and what measures will you put in place to attract a wider, less conventional talent pool than you were before?

Hayley Packham is Procurement Heads‘ Operations Director. For a conversation about how the Procurement Heads team can help support your procurement and supply chain recruitment needs, call the team on 01962 869838.

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