Outplacement Programme

Programme objective 

To coach, support, train and guide attendees back into new employment, through the development of their awareness, attitudes and self-promotion skills.

The workshop can either be run as an in-house programme (for just one company) or as a public programme (where different companies can elect to send smaller numbers to the workshop at the same time).

Focusing on personal brand, selling your skills, CV creation, LinkedIn profiles and interview preparation and techniques, the morning is delivered across the group.

We bring in good and bad examples of what to do and not to do in the “finding a job” process, including example CVs, and “bad” interviews, as well as identifying some example organisations that are currently recruiting.

The afternoon sees a number of consultants from our team supporting candidates on a 1-2-1 basis (like a recruitment “exhibition”) so the process of securing a new role starts immediately. The consultants have specific experience within a variety of sectors.

Programme overview 

Managing change through the redundancy process is never easy.

However, if managed professionally, the process can ultimately be efficient, unproblematic and often rewarding for both staff as well as the sponsoring organisation.

Procurement Heads‘ Outplacement Programme is a one-day workshop limited to a maximum of 12 people to ensure individuals get the most out of the day. Outplacement Programme enables attendees to explore a series of proven processes to develop their attitudes and capabilities to help secure their next role.

It transitions attendees directly into the active job searching market through immediate registration and interview with a number of specialist consultants on completion of the workshop.

Content Overview

Phase 1: Personality Profiling and Career Matching

Outlining the personality types, values, strengths and weaknesses of the attendees and then matching them with the most suitable job types for their personality and capabilities.

Phase 2: Transferable Skills

Repositioning attendees according to their skills and capabilities in order to widen their career options.

Phase 3: Confidence Building and Positive Attitude Control

Enabling attendees to focus on the positive career opportunities that lie ahead for them, and to give them the confidence to step out of their comfort zones as they progress forward.

Phase 4: Creative CV and Letter Writing Skills

Creating uniquely inspiring CVs and supporting letters that outline attendees’ real achievements and therefore benefit to potential employers.

Phase 5: Dynamic Interview and Presentation Skills

Assisting attendees to plan, prepare and deliver inspirational interviews and presentations that deliver a clear and effective message to potential employers.

Phase 6: Practice, Review and Feedback

Putting in live practice all that has been developed throughout the workshop, to enable attendees to experience the results of their efforts in a controlled environment.

Phase 7: Understanding the Current Job Market

Enabling attendees to understand the status of the job market in their chosen industry sectors, focusing also on the unadvertised job market.

Phase 8: Using Job Boards and the Internet

Providing attendees with an overview of the most appropriate job boards and websites to source new jobs, enabling them to best utilise the various search engines and services available.

Phase 9: Registration and Interview with Specialist Consultants

Inviting attendees to meet, register and formally commence the search and selection process with a team of specialist recruitment consultants.

Phase 10: Work Placement and Transition


The investment to facilitate the full in-house programme (for just one company) is £1,600 up to a maximum of 12 delegates. The investment to put people on a public programme (multiple companies) is £240 per delegate up to a maximum of 12 delegates.

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