As a procurement recruiter, I often think that summer can be a quiet period; a time when people put job hunting on hold, and where getting hold of clients can be somewhat impossible as they’re sipping piña coladas on the beach!
Getting hold of clients can be somewhat impossible as they’re sipping piña coladas on the beach!
Yet this year something changed, and throughout the summer I was inundated with new vacancies.
However, while businesses have been working around annual leave commitments to recruit, I’ve found the candidate market has remained tentative.
So why is this?
Why do we get the temptation to ‘test the waters’ of the job market throughout July and August?
- Is it to benchmark against your current role?
- Is the desire to move genuine but the summer schedule is just too busy to accommodate?
- Or is it simply that the mind wanders as the 9-5 begins to feel painful as the sun is shining brightly outside the office window?
Whatever it is, can I offer some advice?
Making the decision to move procurement roles should be one that is considered, carefully planned and therefore well-executed.
Even where someone like myself has headhunted you, and perhaps you’re only passively looking, I always encourage asking the following questions of yourself…
- Is it the right next step for me?
- Is it the right company?
- Will this move enable me to reach my long-term career goals?
- And of course, am I truly committed to making a move?
I’m sure everyone will agree that there are not enough hours in the day, and in the world of procurement recruitment it can be frustrating to invest valuable time into a process when the candidate was never really committed to it themselves.
If you are considering making a move, summer is a great time to do it, for many reasons.
If you are considering making a move, summer is a great time to do it!
Your competition may not have read this post, so are putting off their search until autumn.
Taking time off for interviews seems far less suspicious during this period, and let’s face it the sunshine makes everyone happier – including your interviewer.
The one thing I ask of candidates right now is that you consider the applications you make and follow through with a committed approach.
What are your experiences of job hunting during the summer?
Procurement Heads is currently recruiting for a range of procurement jobs so is now the right time for us to speak?