As an experienced procurement recruiter, one of the questions I’m often asked is how to address career gaps in an interview, and indeed, how to present them on a CV.
My biggest piece of advice would be to demonstrate that you’ve been proactive during that time.
Whether that’s through mentoring, volunteering, gaining a new accreditation or going on a course, all those kinds of things are going to demonstrate that you’ve been proactive with that time and learned something as well.
When a career gap comes up in an interview, which it absolutely will always be honest.
You don’t have to go into the minutest of details, but you don’t have to be apologetic either.
What did you learn during that time?
What did you do?
Again, try and demonstrate that you’ve been proactive.
Thirdly, if you’re working with a recruiter, make sure that you’re aligned with them in your responses, the recruiter will know the best way to approach those career gaps, so make sure that when you have an interview you’re aligned with that recruiter.
Finally, our sister organisation, HR recruiters HR Heads, have put together some handy CV hints and tips and I’ll include the link in the comments.
If you have any other outstanding questions about how to approach career gaps on your CV, please get in touch with me or anybody else in the Procurement Heads team.