CV Aid
The ‘Heads Up’ Referral Scheme
The Heads Up is a referral scheme with a difference. We recognise that referring your most talented peers to a recruitment partner can require a leap of faith. To reward and reciprocate that trust, we’ll donate £250 to our chosen charity Macmillan Cancer Support when we place that individual in a role (and they remain in post beyond their probation period). Clearly the more talented the referrals, the more donations we’ll be making.
Macmillan Events
As well as ‘business focused’ events such as our HR Heads Breakfast Forums, we enjoy supporting Macmillan through differing sporting and fun challenges too. Over the years’ the team has participated in the London Marathon, Ride London, The Rotary Dorset Sportive, Hobbs Fashion evening and a Wine Tasting Evening. Our team has also entered and won (twice!) the Macmillan Pedal Paddle Pace triathlon held annually in Winchester. Here’s a link to our events page where you can see our upcoming challenges and chart our fundraising progress.